Hello and welcome to “A Face of Strength.” This is a social media awareness campaign designed to celebrate the inspiration, strength, and wisdom of brain tumor and cancer survivors (and supporters).
By the way, my name is Wendy Santana. I’m a brain cancer survivor and “2nd Chance 2 Live” is my blog.
I launched “A Face of Strength” (#aFaceOfStrength) via “2nd Chance 2 Live” on March 7, 2021. It was inspired by Jennifer Marie, a fellow brain cancer survivor. Jennifer Marie reached out to me in February of 2021 wanting to share her story. At the time, I was primarily interviewing survivors who had authored memoirs (click here to view my suggested reading page), so I didn’t yet have a way to incorporate Jennifer Marie into what I was doing. I ended up referring Jennifer Marie to a few other sites but she was so sweet (and strong) I couldn’t let it go. The idea for the campaign literally flooded me early in the morning a few days later.
Sadly, Jennifer Marie’s brain cancer progressed during the year from Astrocytoma to Glioblastoma and she succumbed to the disease on July 20, 2021. She was 35-years-old and fought for 13 years.
Jennifer Marie believed in promoting awareness 365 days a year and so my goal is to create 365 Inspirational Quotes by Brain Tumor/Cancer Survivors & Supporters! (#365IQbyBTCSS) all of which will include the hashtag #RememberingJenniferMarie.
Congratulations to the following individuals who have recently been recognized:

This campaign is for brain tumor and cancer survivors (or their caregivers and supporters). It can also be utilized to memorialize a loved one.
If know someone who should be featured as “A Face of Strength,” please send me a private message on Facebook @2nd Chance 2 Live or Instagram @2nd_chance2live. You can also email me: [email protected]
The following is what you will need to provide:
- your name and clarification whether you are a brain tumor and/or cancer survivor (or supporter)
- a photo of the survivor (or the person who is being memorialized)
- a sentence or two that can be used to create an original quote
Tips for providing original quotes (for survivors):
- Keep it short (one or two sentences is best)
- Think about an obstacle that you have overcome in your journey
- Think about what motivates you to keep going
- Think about what you are most grateful for or what you enjoy
- Think about what advice you would give to someone else going through a serious medical challenge
Tips for utilizing this campaign to memorialize a loved one:
(note: the quote will come from you as the supporter – click here for an example)
- Think about the digital footprint you are helping to create on your loved one’s behalf (what would she/he want her/his legacy to be?
- Think about a favorite saying your loved one had
- Think about how your loved one’s strength inspired you (and your family)