Hello and welcome to “A Face of Strength.” This is a social media awareness campaign designed to celebrate and memorialize the inspiration, strength, and wisdom of those impacted by brain tumors and cancer. The purpose of the campaign is to spread awareness, put a face to the disease, provide inspiration, offer hope, showcase the urgent need for a cure, and help establish a digital footprint for those who want one.
By the way, my name is Wendy Santana. I’m a brain cancer survivor and 2nd Chance 2 Live is my blog.
I launched “A Face of Strength” (#aFaceOfStrength) via 2nd Chance 2 Live on March 7, 2021. It was inspired by Jennifer Marie, a fellow brain cancer warrior. Jennifer Marie reached out to me in February of 2021 wanting to share her story. At the time, I was primarily interviewing survivors who had authored memoirs (click here to view my suggested reading page), so I didn’t yet have a way to incorporate Jennifer Marie into what I was doing. I ended up referring Jennifer Marie to a few other sites but she was so sweet (and strong) I couldn’t let it go. The idea for the campaign literally flooded me early in the morning a few days later.

Sadly, Jennifer Marie’s brain cancer progressed during the year from Astrocytoma to Glioblastoma and she succumbed to the disease on July 20, 2021. She was 35 years old and fought for 13 years.
Jennifer Marie believed in promoting brain tumor/cancer awareness 365 days a year and so my goal is to create 365 Inspirational Quotes by Brain Tumor/Cancer Survivors & Supporters (#365IQbyBTCSS) all of which will include #RememberingJenniferMarie. The only time that hashtag is not included is when an image is created in memory of another individual who lost his/her battle, and in that case, #NeverForget______ (the person’s name) is used.
To participate in the “A Face of Strength” campaign, please click on either link 1, 2, or 3 to complete the appropriate form and email your photo to [email protected]
1) Survivor
3) In Memory Of
Once I receive your form and photo, I will create an “A Face of Strength” image and send it to you for your approval prior to sharing it on social media via the following platforms:
Facebook * Instagram * Twitter * LinkedIn
Thank you!