
“31 shades of GRAY in MAY!”

Thank you to the following brain tumor/cancer survivors, caregivers, and supporters for participating in the “A Face of Strength” brain tumor/cancer awareness campaign during #GoGrayInMay! Images can be viewed on:

FB @2nd Chance 2 Live * Instagram @2nd.chance.2.live * Twitter @2nd_Chance2Live


Click on any name below to view the specific image on Instagram:

1) Julia Robertson

2) Stanley Currier

3) Rudy Fischmann

4) May the Fourth be with you (Lauren Montanelli)

5) Lauren Montanelli

6) Amy Weitzman

7) Vanessa Price on behalf of her son, Joshua

8 ) Mother’s Day with Allison Thornton

9) Molly Marco

10) Catie Glossmann

11) Olivia

12) Shaye Kilby

13) Tamarae Brossart

14) Tracy Wolter

15) Tiffany Crowe

16) Niki Kozak

17) Oligo Day with Brock Green founder of “Oligo Nation”

18) Megan Schneiderman

19) Sarah Caras

20) Courtney Burnett

21) Becky and Michael Neidorf founders of “Heart of the Brain”

22) Sanjay Deshpande

23) Noa

24) Marjorie Miles

25) “KM Legacy Foundation” in memory of Katie Monson

26) Dorothea (Dottie) Billy

27) Tish Cox in memory of her son, Ryan

28) Amanda Lavan

29) Celebrating service with The “WINKS” Board and Volunteers

30) Sindy Kholiwe

31) Angel Jones

*Although we honor brain tumor/cancer awareness in the U.S. by going Gray in May, the goal of the “A Face of Strength” campaign is to create 365 images (one for every day of the year). If you or someone you know would like to be recognized, please click on one of the links below and complete the appropriate form:


In Memory Of


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