
Healthy, Happy Cells

A cancer diagnosis often becomes a wake-up call that something in a person’s life is out of balance. This was definitely the case for me and it was the case for Lilly Padilla, Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and author of the book “Anti-Cancer, Habits & Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition”. Lilly was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in 2003. I purchased her book…

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Born to Inspire

Today I am going to introduce you to a woman who has inspired me and countless others during the course of her brain tumor journey. Samaria (Sam) Hunter is a U.S. Navy Retiree and brain tumor survivor. A few years ago she founded Winks from God! a grassroots non-profit organization providing support to brain tumor survivors and caregivers. As many…

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How do you define clutter?

Caregivers, this post is for you… Last month I wrote about the American Brain Tumor Association’s Virtual National Conference. In addition to the sessions I spoke about in that post, another presentation I genuinely appreciated was called “Caring For The Caregiver” given by Jean Arzbaecher of The University of Illinois at Chicago. During that session, I realized I have a…

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Achieving a Sense of Community at a Virtual Event

Attaining a sense of community through a virtual event is quite an achievement. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I signed up to attend the American Brain Tumor Association’s 2020 Virtual National Conference which was made possible this year thanks to sponsors such as The Sontag Foundation, Agios, and Novocure. Click here to see the complete sponsor list. The…

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Your Contribution Makes a Difference!

My friends and family are participating in the BT5K Your Way Los Angeles from October 17 – November 1. This is a virtual event that raises money in support of the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA).  Donations generated from the BT5K will provide the following: critical funding for brain tumor research (since 1976, the ABTA has awarded more than $30 million in research…

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