
How do you define clutter?

Caregivers, this post is for you… Last month I wrote about the American Brain Tumor Association’s Virtual National Conference. In addition to the sessions I spoke about in that post, another presentation I genuinely appreciated was called “Caring For The Caregiver” given by Jean Arzbaecher of The University of Illinois at Chicago. During that session, I realized I have a…

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Achieving a Sense of Community at a Virtual Event

Attaining a sense of community through a virtual event is quite an achievement. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I signed up to attend the American Brain Tumor Association’s 2020 Virtual National Conference which was made possible this year thanks to sponsors such as The Sontag Foundation, Agios, and Novocure. Click here to see the complete sponsor list. The…

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Your Contribution Makes a Difference!

My friends and family are participating in the BT5K Your Way Los Angeles from October 17 – November 1. This is a virtual event that raises money in support of the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA).  Donations generated from the BT5K will provide the following: critical funding for brain tumor research (since 1976, the ABTA has awarded more than $30 million in research…

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Your Involvement Made Us a Top Team Last Year! Will You Help Us Reach Our Goal Once Again?

We invite you to join us in support of nearly 700,000 Americans currently living with a brain tumor. Team 2nd Chance 2 Live is participating in the BT5K Your Way Los Angeles benefiting the brain tumor community through research grants and patient/caregiver guidance provided by the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA).   Last year our team generated close to $2,500 in vital funding and we…

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Meet Wendy Santana: An Advocate for Brain Tumor Awareness

Published on December 15, 2019: In 2014, Wendy Santana, Long Beach, was 47 and a professional fundraiser for non-profits serving economically disadvantaged populations in Los Angeles … a self-admitted workaholic. While she hadn’t felt well for some time, she characteristically powered through, not even taking a sick day that year. “I really had to push myself and was very out…

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