
Moving Forward

It took me a while to learn how to live my life in between MRI’s.  For the first two years after the craniotomy, the MRI’s were every few months, so I was literally living from MRI to MRI.  Anytime I had a pain in my head or experienced dizziness my thought was the brain tumor must be back!  I often forget…

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After we received my biopsy results and learned that a craniotomy was imminent, I decided to create a closed Facebook group to keep friends and family in the know about the situation.  Looking back, it seems I returned home from that first week in the hospital with my “offbeat sense of humor” fully intact. When I heard I had an…

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Quote by Alicia Taylor:   “Sometimes you must… HURT in order to KNOW, FALL in order to GROW, LOSE in order to GAIN, …because life’s biggest lessons are learned through PAIN.”

Coming Out

You may find this odd now that I am publishing a blog but deciding to “come out” publicly on Facebook regarding my brain tumor was not something I took lightly.  I had previously created a closed Facebook group to keep close friends and family informed after receiving the diagnosis in October of 2014.  Since I was Facebook Friends with several…

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Thanksgiving Thoughts

Ironically, my favorite Thanksgiving celebration took place a few weeks before my craniotomy.  I didn’t know it then but this was to be the last time my dad and all three of his ex-wives (each of whom played a significant role in my life) were together.  Sadly, my dad had a stroke in January of 2015, just as I was…

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