
“A Face of Strength” p.15

Welcome to “A Face of Strength.” This is a social media campaign to promote the inspiration, strength, and wisdom of brain tumor/cancer survivors and supporters. 2nd Chance 2 Live launched “A Face of Strength” (#aFaceOfStrength) with the ultimate goal of creating 365 (searchable & shareable) Inspirational Quotes by Brain Tumor/Cancer Survivors & Supporters! #365IQbyBTCSS Congratulations to the following survivors who have recently been…

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The Real Badass

I was originally going to call the book I am working on “Badass Brain Cancer Warrior.”  Then I realized, that could imply I already consider myself a badass…and truth be told, I’m not a badass—not really—not yet. While there are many badasses in the world, I cannot in good conscience proclaim to be one of them.  Don’t get me wrong,…

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