
Your Involvement Made Us a Top Team Last Year! Will You Help Us Reach Our Goal Once Again?

We invite you to join us in support of nearly 700,000 Americans currently living with a brain tumor. Team 2nd Chance 2 Live is participating in the BT5K Your Way Los Angeles benefiting the brain tumor community through research grants and patient/caregiver guidance provided by the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA).   Last year our team generated close to $2,500 in vital funding and we…

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2020 Brain Cancer Awareness video by Sarah Trask

May is brain tumor/cancer awareness month. Please take a moment to enjoy this touching tribute to brain cancer by Sarah Trask. Her videos put a face on the disease. Sarah had her first craniotomy when she was just six-years-old. She’s had a total of four brain surgeries and is an inspiration to the brain tumor/cancer community. Next month she will…

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