My blog is seemingly transforming into the brain tumor version of Oprah’s Book Club. I love it and the following are 9.5 reasons why:
1. There are common themes of resilience, strength, creativity, and positivity in the books I recommend and share. These themes can apply to anyone (especially during this time of COVID-19).
2. I love supporting brain tumor survivors. We are warriors!
3. It’s fun, it’s challenging, and it makes me feel like I’m contributing something positive to the world.
4. It’s good practice for my brain.

5. As brain tumor survivors, many of us have already faced and accepted our mortality. Thus, we have processed what those without serious illnesses are just now facing. We are in a unique position to help guide and care for others during this time.
6. I get to (virtually) meet and connect with truly amazing and inspiring people.
7. The interviews support my mission of sharing what I learn with other brain tumor survivors and caregivers (and anyone else who is interested).
8. The interviews also support my vision of creating a landing space for people to come for information and inspiration.
9. Because I can…
9.5. is my platform and this is how I choose to use it.
P.S. be sure to check out: