My friends and family are participating in the BT5K Your Way Los Angeles from October 17 – November 1. This is a virtual event that raises money in support of the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA). Donations generated from the BT5K will provide the following:
- critical funding for brain tumor research (since 1976, the ABTA has awarded more than $30 million in research grants to scientists from around the world). Click here to learn more.
- patient/caregiver support via information, mentoring, conferences, and so forth). Click here to read about the ABTA recommendations for people who are newly diagnosed.
December 9, 2019, marked my five-year craniversary (anniversary of my craniotomy)! The ABTA was one of the first places I turned to for reliable information and support after learning about my brain tumor diagnosis. I had the honor of participating as the survivor speaker at the event last year. As you can see in the following photo taken by Tom McCaffrey, my husband and son were on stage with me–cheering me on. This was a huge milestone since following brain surgery I had temporary right-side paralysis and aphasia that lasted for more than two years! I am grateful my friends and family had the chance to see me standing up (hopefully inspiring others) after having to witness me spending so much time lying down, recovering from brain surgery.

If possible, please consider supporting the ABTA by making a donation through my page by clicking here. The process is fast, easy, and secure.
Thank you for your consideration, and please don’t hesitate to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating! If you prefer to mail your donation, you can download the BT5K donation form by clicking here.
Your involvement and/or contribution means the world to me.
Wendy Santana
*The above photo was also taken by Tom McCaffrey.
* above photo by Jessie Cowan

*2019 survivor photo