
Tax Reform.  What Tax Reform? 

By: Bonnie Harris Hayden, Esq. and Wendy Santana, CFRE:   Last week, thanks to The Nonprofit Partnership in Long Beach, we had a chance to hear Brian Yacker, JD/CPA of YH Advisors talk about some of the ways the new tax laws will, directly and indirectly, affect non-profit organizations (NPO’s). During the two-hour session, we gleaned three core acknowledgments, six…

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Second Chance in Life

Following is a quote by fellow brain tumor warrior, Sarah Caras.  Sharing with permission.  Thank you for your beautiful words, Sarah! “I think one of the coolest things about people in our position is we get a second chance in life that most people don’t get. We get to see how precious life really is and can live our lives accordingly. …

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Artwork and writing by Noé Santana, 12-years-old.   “He trudged across the ever-changing sands of life… the wind picked up and the sand swirled around his feet, as his memories did in his head. Memories of things lost and thoughts of things yet to come. Absorbed by his emotions he stumbled over a dune and when he saw what lay…

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Five Questions to Consider Prior to Launching a Major Gifts Program

Congratulations!  Your board has come to the realization that to sustain your nonprofit, you will need to diversify your funding streams.  As we know, unbalanced reliance on private grants, government grants, or special events can be costly and detrimental to the financial health of your agency.  Conversely, increasing contributions from individuals is both cost-effective and can drastically improve the long-term…

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“The Brain Cancer Warriors” video compilation by Sarah Trask

Sharing with permission.  Thank You Sarah Trask for the time, heart and soul you put into compiling these videos.

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