
“There’s Something Going On In The Kitchen”

I have a confession to make. Remember the post, Funny Farm Girl? Well, Kelly Fosso Rodenberg and I have been meeting regularly from our kitchen’s over coffee (virtually of course). Full disclosure…we’ve decided to take our relationship to the next level and have officially declared ourselves, Brain Tumor Besties (BTB). As a quick refresher Kelly is a farm girl, I…

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“8 minutes and 46 seconds – a different kind of cancer”

An Interview with: Everett L. Glenn, President of the ESP Education & Leadership Institute. On Thursday, I watched Reverend Al Sharpton deliver a poignant eulogy during the first memorial service for George Floyd. As captured in a Time article, Reverend Sharpton said, “George Floyd’s story has been the story of black folks. Because ever since 401 years ago, the reason…

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“Light and Dark”

Dawn. As the sun rises and gives light to a new day, hope also rises.Hope that this will end.That love and unity conquer hate and division. Noon. The day gets hotter, and tensions rise.People demand action.Anger boils over. Twilight. The moon replaces the sun as night falls.Light giving way to dark, unity giving way to riots.The cycle continues. When will…

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From the initial shock and loss that comes with a devastating health diagnosis to overcoming barriers and choosing positivity; resilience is a recurring theme that has surfaced through my interviews with brain tumor/cancer book authors and survivors.  I strongly believe our messages of hope and the lessons we have learned, can help people to cope with any medical crisis (including…

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2020 Brain Cancer Awareness video by Sarah Trask

May is brain tumor/cancer awareness month. Please take a moment to enjoy this touching tribute to brain cancer by Sarah Trask. Her videos put a face on the disease. Sarah had her first craniotomy when she was just six-years-old. She’s had a total of four brain surgeries and is an inspiration to the brain tumor/cancer community. Next month she will…

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