
Go Gray In May

Although we promote brain tumor/cancer awareness in the U.S. by going Gray in May, the goal of the A Face of Strength social media campaign at 2nd Chance 2 Live is to spread awareness, put a face to the disease, provide inspiration, offer hope, showcase the urgent need for a cure, and help establish a digital footprint for those who want one by creating 365 images with inspirational quotes by brain tumor/cancer survivors, caregivers, and supporters (one for each day of the year)! Images can be viewed on:

FB @2nd Chance 2 Live * Instagram @2nd.chance.2.live * Twitter @2nd_Chance2Live

If you or someone you know would like to be recognized, celebrated, or remembered please click on one of the links below and complete the appropriate form:


In Memory Of



Celebrating, remembering, and appreciating the following individuals:

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