
“A Face of Strength” p.15

Welcome to “A Face of Strength.” This is a social media campaign to promote the inspiration, strength, and wisdom of brain tumor/cancer survivors and supporters.

2nd Chance 2 Live launched “A Face of Strength” (#aFaceOfStrength) with the ultimate goal of creating 365 (searchable & shareable) Inspirational Quotes by Brain Tumor/Cancer Survivors & Supporters! #365IQbyBTCSS

Congratulations to the following survivors who have recently been recognized:

This campaign is for brain tumor and cancer survivors (or their caregivers and supporters). It can also be utilized to memorialize a loved one.

If know someone who should be featured as “A Face of Strength,” please send me a private message on Facebook @2nd Chance 2 Live or Instagram @2nd_chance2live. You can also email me: wendy.2ndChance2Live@gmail.com

The following is what you will need to provide:

  • your name and clarification whether you are a brain tumor and/or cancer survivor (or supporter)
  • a photo of the survivor (or the person who is being memorialized)
  • a sentence or two that can be used to create an original quote

Tips for providing original quotes:

  1. Keep it short (one or two sentences is best)
  2. Think about an obstacle that you have overcome in your journey
  3. Think about what motivates you to keep going
  4. Think about what you are most grateful for or what you enjoy
  5. Think about what advice you would give to someone else going through a serious medical challenge

We have so much to offer…let’s show the world what we’re made of, with one (searchable & shareable) image for each day of the year!

©2nd Chance 2 Live and 2ndChance2Live.com. All Rights Reserved.