
A Beautiful Heart

When I was working, I used to take everything so darn seriously. I was a perfectionist and it was as if every task was a matter of life or death. Well, just look how that turned out…it took a brain cancer diagnosis for me to learn the real meaning of life and death. With all that’s going on in the…

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One heck of a creative warrior!

“I am now fifteen years post Stage 3 Brain Cancer, recurrence-free. I did this through luck, through medical care, and through creating things that needed to be finished.  I can tell you from the bottom of my being that I know this much is true: when you write your thoughts, create your images, and most especially when you connect with…

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Interview with brain tumour survivor, mother of four, wife, and author; Jo Barlow of the U.K.

Hiya Jo.  I’m chuffed to bits to have the opportunity to interview you about your book; IT’S ALL IN MY HEAD: How to Survive a Brain Tumour and Find Peace of Mind. First, I just have to say that as I was reading your book; I could feel what a remarkable woman, wife, and mother you are! Second, I enjoyed…

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You never forget your first…Podcast!

My good friend Julie finally convinced me to share my brain cancer journey as a guest on her podcast, “Clear Your Clutter Inside & Out.” It’s always great when your first is with someone you trust and love. As Julie knows, I was hesitant to do a podcast due to the fact that talking on the phone (which was how we…

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Mentoring Mondays with Rick Franzo and David Owens

Did you know that organizations such as the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) will match brain tumor and caregiver mentors with brain tumor patients and/or their caregivers? I recently wrote about a champion in the brain tumor community, Rick Franzo (click here to read the blog post). In addition to everything else he does, Rick has served as an ABTA…

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