
“A Face of Strength” p.15

Welcome to “A Face of Strength.” This is a social media campaign to promote the inspiration, strength, and wisdom of brain tumor/cancer survivors and supporters. 2nd Chance 2 Live launched “A Face of Strength” (#aFaceOfStrength) with the ultimate goal of creating 365 (searchable & shareable) Inspirational Quotes by Brain Tumor/Cancer Survivors & Supporters! #365IQbyBTCSS Congratulations to the following survivors who have recently been…

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“A Face of Strength” p. 14

…a brain tumor and cancer awareness campaign @2nd Chance 2 Live! Welcome to “A Face of Strength.” This is a social media campaign to promote the inspiration, strength, and wisdom of brain tumor/cancer survivors and supporters. 2nd Chance 2 Live launched “A Face of Strength” (#aFaceOfStrength) with the ultimate goal of creating 365 (searchable & shareable) Inspirational Quotes by Brain Tumor/Cancer Survivors &…

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“From Attendee to Speaker Series” Interview with Emily Lippert

The Inside Scoop — a behind the scenes look at an ABTA Regional Educational Meeting (post 2 of 3) An interview with the ABTA’s Program Manager, Emily Lippert One of the most enjoyable aspects for me in serving as a patient panelist during the American Brain Tumor Association’s (ABTA) “Regional Patient & Family Meeting” in partnership with the Keck School…

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The man behind the Musella Foundation

Today I would like to introduce you to Dr. Al Musella (Al), the man behind the Musella Foundation for Brain Tumor Research & Information, Inc. (a.k.a the Musella Foundation).  But first, I feel compelled to share a quick story about my original interactions with Al (and his foundation). The year before my brain tumor was discovered, I was the executive…

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Your Contribution Makes a Difference!

My friends and family are participating in the BT5K Your Way Los Angeles from October 17 – November 1. This is a virtual event that raises money in support of the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA).  Donations generated from the BT5K will provide the following: critical funding for brain tumor research (since 1976, the ABTA has awarded more than $30 million in research…

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